What is Mongolian Barbecue? Originating in China's Shantung Provine, Mongolian Barbecue was adopted by Genghis Kahn of Mongolia in the 13th Century. Lore tells us the Kahn's soldiers would place meat and vegetables on top of their metal shields and cook over their campfires.

The aroma would cause their enemies surrender without a fight. Using wood, natural gas or hot coals to heat the cast-iron grill, chefs have been creating delicious meals for centuries. Smell the mouth-watering aroma of freshly grilled meat and vegetables and you will understand how this tasty dish helped Genghis Kahn conquer China.

Monday, October 16, 2006


Mongolian Beef A La House Of Hong

2 ts soy sauce
1 ts red wine
1/2 lb beef flank steak, sliced thin
4 ts salad oil
3 cloves garlic, chopped
1/2 lb green onions, cut into small pieces
1 ts white vinegar
3 ts brown sugar
1 ts ground black pepper
1 ts sesame oil

Combine the soy sauce and wine. Add the flank steak. Marinate 30minutes. Heat the salad oil in a frying pan until very hot. Add the garlic andthen the beef, stir-frying for 5 minutes. Add green onions, vinegar, brown sugar and pepper, continuing to stir-fry until the beef isthoroughly cooked. Add sesame oil. Chef Paul Lee advises that the secret to this dish is to use veryhigh heat and cook quickly... that's what makes the beef juicy and tender.

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.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ...
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